Welcome to the Jenn’s Web Blog!
If you are a web site owner, or someone who just wants to know more about how to run a WordPress site, then you have come to the right place!
New to WordPress? Try some WordPress 101 posts
Looking for help with the Divi theme? Check out the Divi section.
Trying to decide on the right hosting company? Read some of these posts.
Here’s the latest
Notes After A Long Silence
First, I want to give a shoutout to the inspiration behind the title, my MassArt Film professor, Saul Levine. I guess part of the reason for my choice is that Saul's film deals with his life's turmoil and changes in a meditative style. And so many of us have been...
Logging into Your New WordPress Site
Congratulations! You have a new site built with Wordpress. Now that you have your new site up and running, you will need to log in from time to time to edit or add new content. Don't be intimidated though. Getting into your site is easy if you do it the right way....
Writing Really Useful Content
A few years ago, one of the best plugins for creating a simple thumbnail gallery on a wordpress site was the NextGen Gallery. It was not only free, but it pretty much worked out of the gate. There was just one major issue. The original developer was a brilliant coder,...
Great WordPress Tricks to Customize Your Site
Sometimes, when I'm helping someone to get them acclimated to their new site, I realize that there are a few "Easter Eggs" lurking in the Wordpress dashboard. My client is looking to customize their site somehow and the solution seems to be nowhere in sight. And then,...
Organizing WordPress with Categories & Tags
Maybe it’s because my first “real” job was working in a library. When I visit a website with a blog, what can drive me crazy is not being able to navigate through posts to find what I am looking for, or, being able to read more posts on a particular topic. Organizing...
Top Ten SEO Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
This is NOT how SEO works! What are some common SEO mistakes? Overall it comes down to two issues. One is overdoing it so much that it's all the reader notices. The other is not doing enough or any at all. Optimizing your content so it will be more likely to get...
Don’t Let Your Website Flatline!
"Help! My website disappeared!" This is the last thing anybody wants to hear. And if you are the person that built the site, it's even worse. Now you have to scrub up, rush into the operating theater, and get to work. And to be perfectly honest, it's frustrating to be...
Smart Ways to Save & Spend Money on Your Website
While a website for your business should be considered a serious investment, that doesn't automatically mean that you need to spend top dollar on everything associated with creating a site. When I started out, many websites were built from scratch by developers who...
Link to A PDF or Word Document in WordPress
If you are looking for a way to link text, an image, or a button, to a pdf or Word document on your WordPress site, then this is a tutorial for you. Basically, a Word document or pdf file is viewed by WordPress the same as any image file, but the process of creating...
Dive into Divi: Using the Module Library
Image courtesy of Skitterphoto on Pexels One of the best reasons to use a page builder theme like Divi is having a system to create a module library. Why would you want to use the module library? When you are re-using content from page to another When you need to...
Dive into Divi: Using the Text and Image Modules
One of the most common types of modules found in a Divi site is the Text module. Clicking on the 3 horizontal bars in the top left of any module will open it for editing its content and settings. Here’s a quick tour around the editing module. Starting from the top...
Dive into Divi: Intro and Basics
Welcome to the wonderful world of Divi! This is the first of a new series on the Jenn's Web blog that will help you to understand how to edit a Wordpress website built using the Divi theme. I have been working on quite a few projects using Divi from Elegant Themes....
Managing Email with Siteground Hosting
Siteground is a hosting company that I recommend to some clients if they are looking for a way to utilize email addresses with their domain name. Of course, you can also use GSuite (which my other favorite host, WPEngine supports), but many clients find the Siteground...
How to Post to Your Blog via Email
Last week I was coaching a client through the basics of keeping a blog on her site updated. As we talked about ideas like a content calendar, publishing to social media, how often to post etc., I could see the familiar look of panic start to creep into her eyes. It’s...
Fun With Robots
Have you ever googled your company name and come up with a result like this? During a very busy summer, I had re-pointed my new domain name to my hosting account and when I entered http://jennsweb.net in my browser's address bar, the result above was not what I wanted...
A Visual Guide to A Web Page
I recently had a phone call with a client that went something like this: Client: "You know that top of the page section with the slogan?" Me: "Yes" Client: "Can those slide through a little bit slower and have a click on them?" Me: "You mean the slider? Those do have...
Domain Names and Hosting: What’s the difference?
New Jenn's Web Client:"Ok, I can't wait to get my new website up! I have an account with Godaddy so you can just log in and get started!" Me: "Actually...all you have on your Godaddy account is the domain name registration. You will need to get a hosting account set...
Using images in WordPress? Size matters.
At least once a month, I get a panicked email/text/phone call from someone. "The website is loading very slow/ the hosting company says we are using too much bandwidth/ etc.." So I go to log into the site and the first thing I check is the Media Library. And there's...