Welcome to the Jenn’s Web Blog!

If you are a web site owner, or someone who just wants to know more about how to run a WordPress site, then you have come to the right place!

New to WordPress? Try some WordPress 101 posts

Looking for help with the Divi theme? Check out the Divi section.

Trying to decide on the right hosting company? Read some of these posts.

Here’s the latest

A Shout Out to the Ladies

A Shout Out to the Ladies

In the spirit of International Women’s Day, Jenn Mears Web Design would like to give a huuge shout out to all my fellow female business owners! Working with you all and learning what you do and how you do it continues to inspire me. A Higher Balance Cahoon Care...

Creating a Podcast Site

Creating a Podcast Site

Podcasts are a great way to get people to listen to your content. Think about how busy your day can get and before you know it, it's 11 o'clock at night and that article you opened to read over morning coffee is still sitting there unread. But what if people could...

WordPress Login: Resetting a Password

WordPress Login: Resetting a Password

Pop Quiz: Can you log into your own WordPress site dashboard? If your answer is "Gee, I don't think my developer ever sent me any info about that." then you need to contact them. Right. Now. In fact, while I have your attention, these are the things that you, as the...

The Ins and Outs of WordPress Hosting

The Ins and Outs of WordPress Hosting

The other day I took a look at my client list and was kind of shocked to realize that I have over 70 WordPress-powered client sites under my belt. How did that happen? I didn't really have any time to celebrate though. First thing Monday morning I had a meeting with a...

FAQs About FAQs

FAQs About FAQs

Teaching is not the mere imparting of knowledge but the cultivation of an inquiring mind. Jiddu Krishnamurti via GIPHY One: What is a FAQ? FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Question. It's something that your clients seem to always be asking you. It could be as broad as...

Quick and Easy PayPal E-Commerce

Quick and Easy PayPal E-Commerce

It happens. You want to sell a few things as part of your website but you don't quite feel like going through the entire process of setting up an e-commerce site. Besides, by the time I get through explaining what an SSL certificate is, even I put myself to sleep!...

How To Create a MailChimp Newsletter

How To Create a MailChimp Newsletter

Somehow, somewhere along the line, I have acquired a couple of recurring jobs as a MailChimp newsletter creator. Similar to Constant Contact, MailChimp has placed itself in a market position aimed at folks who may know they need a way to get content directly in their...

WordPress 101: Let’s Create Some Content!

WordPress 101: Let’s Create Some Content!

This is the second part in a series on how to use a WordPress site. After developing dozens of sites for clients that say they want to have a site they can edit themselves, I've come to realize that it's not always intuitive as I think to keep a site up to date. I've...

WordPress 101: Welcome to your new site!

WordPress 101: Welcome to your new site!

I have a WordPress site! Yay! ....now what? As someone who works with WordPress all the time, I have gotten very used to all the ins and outs of the dashboard and how WP works. Even with all that's changed over the years and all the updates that have happened, I can...

Meet My Squad

Meet My Squad

Welcome to a new series on the Jenn Mears Web Design Blog called "Shop Local"! Last summer I took a deep breath, considered my options, and then made the commitment to join a new BNI chapter that was taking shape in Marblehead. It turned out to be one of the best...

Web Site Maintenance and You

Web Site Maintenance and You

I have been doing this for a while. In fact, I remember creating my first WordPress site for a client and glancing at the list of plugins in the dashboard and thinking "Akismet? Jetpack? Who needs that stuff?" And then a few years later I was pitching the idea of a...

How to Link to an Email Address in WordPress

How to Link to an Email Address in WordPress

WordPress has a very handy way to create links to other pages but did you know you can also use it to link text to an email address? It's a question I get from clients fairly often so I thought it would be a good idea to people how it's done. Step 1. Highlight where...

How to Add an Editor to a Facebook Page

How to Add an Editor to a Facebook Page

This comes up a lot for me. People start a business, they know that they should at least be on Facebook, and they start a Facebook Page. And then, life happens, things get busy and they lose track of running their page and it never gets updated. So maybe then the...