by jennsweb | Jun 16, 2020 | Cool Tools, Lifehacks, WordPress 101, Wordpress Hack
Sometimes, when I’m helping someone to get them acclimated to their new site, I realize that there are a few “Easter Eggs” lurking in the WordPress dashboard. My client is looking to customize their site somehow and the solution seems to be nowhere...
by jennsweb | May 5, 2020 | Business, Cool Tools, Hosting
“Help! My website disappeared!” This is the last thing anybody wants to hear. And if you are the person that built the site, it’s even worse. Now you have to scrub up, rush into the operating theater, and get to work. And to be perfectly honest,...
by jennsweb | Dec 2, 2019 | Cool Tools, Links, Tutorials, Wordpress Hack
If you are looking for a way to link text, an image, or a button, to a pdf or Word document on your WordPress site, then this is a tutorial for you. Basically, a Word document or pdf file is viewed by WordPress the same as any image file, but the process of creating...
by jennsweb | Feb 26, 2019 | Cool Tools, Email, Hosting, Lifehacks, Tutorials
Siteground is a hosting company that I recommend to some clients if they are looking for a way to utilize email addresses with their domain name. Of course, you can also use GSuite (which my other favorite host, WPEngine supports), but many clients find the Siteground...
by jennsweb | Aug 3, 2018 | Blogging, Cool Tools
Last week I was coaching a client through the basics of keeping a blog on her site updated. As we talked about ideas like a content calendar, publishing to social media, how often to post etc., I could see the familiar look of panic start to creep into her eyes. It’s...
by jennsweb | Jan 31, 2017 | Blogging, Cool Tools
Podcasts are a great way to get people to listen to your content. Think about how busy your day can get and before you know it, it’s 11 o’clock at night and that article you opened to read over morning coffee is still sitting there unread. But what if...