by jennsweb | Jun 16, 2020 | Cool Tools, Lifehacks, WordPress 101, Wordpress Hack
Sometimes, when I’m helping someone to get them acclimated to their new site, I realize that there are a few “Easter Eggs” lurking in the WordPress dashboard. My client is looking to customize their site somehow and the solution seems to be nowhere...
by jennsweb | Feb 26, 2019 | Cool Tools, Email, Hosting, Lifehacks, Tutorials
Siteground is a hosting company that I recommend to some clients if they are looking for a way to utilize email addresses with their domain name. Of course, you can also use GSuite (which my other favorite host, WPEngine supports), but many clients find the Siteground...
by jennsweb | Nov 14, 2017 | Glossary, Lifehacks, Tutorials
I recently had a phone call with a client that went something like this: Client: “You know that top of the page section with the slogan?” Me: “Yes” Client: “Can those slide through a little bit slower and have a click on them?” Me:...
by jennsweb | Nov 29, 2016 | Facebook, Lifehacks, Social Media, Tutorials
Of course, if you are reading this a week from now, chances are Facebook has decided to change how this looks, but trust me-once you have the basics of how this is done, you will be able to muddle through how to figure it out. I had to just to write this! 🙂 Sometimes...